ECE & Primary Tuition Fees 2024-2025

We offer a flexible fee structure that covers the curriculum, extracurricular activities, and learning facilities. With various payment plans available, parents can choose the option that best suits their needs. Below is the information on enrolment and capital levy fees, along with payment options.

ECE & Primary Tuition Fees 2024-25

Grade Level

Yearly Fee

Plan A (4 Payments)

Plan B (10 Payments)

ECE Ages 3 & 4

$ 2,000

$ 500


Foundation Age 5

$ 2,500

$ 625


Grades 1 - 2

$ 3,295

$ 824


Grades 3 - 4

$ 3,850



Grades 5 - 6

$ 4,389



Grade 7




Grade 8




Fees Info

Enrolment Fee ​One time USD $100 non-refundable. Payable when application form is submitted.

Capital Levy ​One-time capital levy of USD $400 (can be paid in 4 instalments).

Fees Discounts 10% discount for 2nd child and 15% discount on additional children & ​5% discount when fees paid in full at ​registration

Uniform fee ​​UGX 22,500 includes Shirt, shorts, skorts, sweater, socks, sports kit, bib

School Fees      - All inclusive

Tuition, workbooks and school supplies.

Extracurricular activities: Music, drama art, sports, crafts, swimming.

Freshly prepared nutritious lunch

Some school projects may require the purchase of materials needed for the project

Bus Charges - (Optional)


Yearly Fee

Plan A  (4 Payments)

Plan B  (10 Payments)

Zone 1 Both Ways

$ 1,120

$ 280


Zone 1 One Way

$ 650

$ 163


Zone 2 Both Ways

$ 1,300

$ 325


Zone 2 One Way

$ 750



Payment Plans Explained

Plan A ​Full payment of fees is made at the time of registration egible for a 5% discount.

Plan B ​Payment in 4 installments. Payment due dates are: 15th Aug, 15th October, 6th January & 15th March

Plan C  Payment in 10 installments due on 15th of each month.

Modes of Payment

CASH, Bank deposit, Cheque, Mobile Money.

Please Note:

All fees must be paid by the due date in order for your child to attend class. 

If fees are not paid, your child will be suspended until payment is received.